共三本(note *1):
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.lrf
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.lrf
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Huckleberry Finn.lrf
by Mark Twain
需要另外轉換格式(比如轉成 epub)。一個好用的軟體:Calibre
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Lexile® Measure:980
Text Difficulty:5-7
當年高一時家裡有本 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 中英對照。一時好奇我拿來翻看。我記得我刻意不看中文翻譯,只看英文部份,因為開頭不難(就只是 “‘Tom!’” “No Answer.”)。後來讀到這段時印象很深:
“The old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them about the room; then she put them up and looked out under them. She seldom or never looked THROUGH them for so small a thing as a boy; …”
剛開始不是看得很懂,什麼是 “pulled her spectacles down and looked over them”?然後不知怎麼搞的我突然用字面意思去想像,腦海浮現出那畫面,看懂了!可惜那時我沒有讀完這本。
(note *1) 我剛剛測試了一下。下載 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.lrf 後,直接用 Calibre 的 E-book viewer 去讀的話會有缺字,但是轉換成 epub 之後再用 E-book viewer 去讀的話就沒有缺字的問題。