這篇托福閱讀文章出自托福TPO考古題official 1 passage2-The Origins of Theater
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該題正確答案為D:To increase the society’s prosperity
第一段的第七行我抓出a society becomes aware of forces
第一段的第九行我抓出it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences to supernatural or magical forces, and it searches for means to win the favor of these forces.
it searches for means to win the favor of these forces
to win the favor不定詞片語做形容詞修飾means
of these forces介系詞片語作形容詞修飾favor
Perceiving an apparent connection between certain actions performed by the group and the result it desires, the group repeats, refines, and formalizes those actions into fixed ceremonies, or rituals.
我自己抓出Perceiving an connection
->(Because the group) perceive an connection…(副詞子句簡化為副詞片語)
後面 between certain actions performed by the group and the result it desires應該都是修飾connection
其中certain actions performed by the group…應該是省略了certain actions (which were) performed by the group?
certain actions應是指前面第九行的it attributes both desirable and undesirable…….it searches for…?
the result it desires的it 我不太清楚這個是代替哪個名詞? 是group(society)嗎?
但我還是看不太出來這些敘述跟答案的To increase the society’s prosperity有何關聯?
我猜是因為group(society) perceive an connection between actions and results?