‘Vur-Sah-Chay’: 20 of the Most Commonly Mispronounced Brand Names
While IKEA comes in sixth on the list, its actual frequency of being mispronounced could be considerable. The Swedish-based ready-to-assemble furniture brand is often thought to be pronounced eye-kee-uh: The company recently confirmed that it’s actually ee-keh-yah, though U.S. commercials still use the former. (IKEA says it’s “absolutely OK” to use “a local accent” when pronouncing it.)
確實。IKEA 在美國的廣告如前述是用 “local accent” 唸的。
開頭網址裡頭的 20 個完整品牌念法。(第16個其實也算是用美國的 “local accent”)
- Porsche (“Porsh-aa”)
- Nike (“Nigh-key”)
- Hermès (“Air-mez”)
- Louis Vuitton (“Loo-ee we-taahn”)
- Hyundai (“Hun-day”)
- IKEA (“Ee-keh-yah”)
- Audi (“Ow-dee”)
- Yves Saint Laurent (“Eve-sanh la-rahn”)
- Givenchy (“Jhee-von-shee”)
- Versace (“Vur-sah-chay”)
- Peugeot (“Poo-zhow”)
- Adidas (“Add-dee-dass”)
- Bvlgari (“Buhl-guh-ree”)
- Gucci (“Goo-chi”)
- Nutella (“New-tell-uh”)
- Huawei (“Wah-way”)
- Balenciaga (“Bah-len-see-ah-gah”)
- Moschino (“Mos-key-no”)
- Tag Heuer (“Tag-hoy-yer”)
- Adobe (“Uh-doe-bee”)