這篇托福閱讀文章出自托福TPO考古題official 1 passage1-Groundwater
考古題網站(https://reurl.cc/e3obAb),捲動至網頁最下方Official 01 Passage 1,鼠標移至上方會浮現在線做題,點選即可觀看文章
在第一段的第七行 At first thought it seems incredible that there can be enough space in the "solid" ground underfoot to hold all this water.
At first thought第一眼看起來像是介系詞片語作為時間副詞修飾一整句話(it seems….all this water)
接下來it seems incredible that… 我查閱過資料後看似十分像分裂句(https://reurl.cc/QLolqZ)
Cambrige English的Grammar for IELTS裡雖然沒有分裂句這個條目但第186頁裡有類似的
azar的understanding and using english grammar 4/e中文版第322頁也有相似條目
there can be enough space in the "solid" ground underfoot to hold all this water.
can be情態助動詞+原型動詞
受詞enough space
所以應該可以看成there is enough space後面接了一堆修飾的東西
in the "solid" ground underfoot應是介系詞片語作形容詞修飾enough space
to hold all this water為不定詞片語作形容詞修飾enough space