像是 TPO Official 02 passage 1 "Desert Formation"
考古題網站(https://reurl.cc/e3obAb),捲動至網頁最下方Official 02 Passage 1,鼠標移至上方會浮現在線做題,點選即可觀看文章
Since the raising of most crops necessitates the prior removal of the natural vegetation, crop failures leave extensive tracts of land devoid of a plant cover and susceptible to wind and water erosion.
crop failures leave extensive tracts of land devoid of a plant cover and susceptible to wind and water erosion.
這句的話我本來只看 crop failures leave extensive tract and susceptible to wind and water erosion.
當我看到of land devoid of a plant cover下意識認為是介系詞片語當形容詞用來修飾 extensive tracts就跳過不看
當我看到susceptible to wind and water erosion.
susceptible adj. 常跟介系詞 to 連用 表示易受…….影響 所以我認為to後面接名詞wind and water erosion 就沒略過
且第六題which of the following is often associated with raising crops?
因我略過了Since the raising of most crops necessitates the prior removal of the natural vegetation
像這類比較細的題目您個人的看法是否就是只能再回頭看,或是做一個簡略的筆記即可? 謝謝。
Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. The impact of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water penetration. Water absorption is greatly reduced; consequently runoff is increased, resulting in accelerated erosion rates.
我只看 The reduction of vegetation results in the loss of the soil's ability. The impact of raindrops tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface.
但result in the loss of the soil's ability 後面不看 to absorb substantial quantities of water.我覺得語意上就會覺得好像欠缺什麼
the impact 這句
主詞應該是The impact of raindrops
to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces->to transfer A into B(不定詞片語 副詞修飾tends)
sealing them(soil) and producing a surface.(V-ing動名詞化?)(我不確定這是不是不必要的資訊)
Water absorption is greatly reduced; consequently runoff is increased, (resulting…)-> (which result in accelerated erosion rates.)