這一句句子是出自於托福TPO考古題 Reading - Official 13 Passage 2 - Biological Clocks
考古題網站(https://reurl.cc/jRRd2D),捲動至網頁Official 13 Passage 2,鼠標移至上方會浮現在線做題,點選即可觀看文章
For instance, apparently normal daily periods of biological activity were maintained for about a week by the fungus Neurospora when it was intentionally isolated from all geophysical timing cues while orbiting in a space shuttle.
主詞是 apparently normal daily periods of biological activity
動詞是 were maintained
後面by the fungus Neurospora when it(= fungus Neurospora) was intentionally isolated from all geophysical timing cues while orbiting in a space shuttle
我認為是要舉例說以這樣子的實驗來證明daily periods of biological activity were maintained
只是我不懂為什麼when跟while兩者是可以同時出現的嗎? 之前從沒看過這種寫法,謝謝
時間副詞子句when it was intentionally isolated from all geophysical timing cues 是要修飾主要子句were maintained
另一個時間副詞子句while orbiting in a space shuttle是要修飾前面副詞子句的was intentionally isolated?